Letterpress Quoins

£7.06 plus VAT
A Quoin is a device used to hold cutting dies, printing blocks, embossing dies or letterpress type into printing presses. It originates from the early days of letterpress printing and is still in use today. Price is for 1 quoin.

Roller Gauge

£25.00 plus VAT
Type High Roller Gauge 23.32mm ~ 0.918 inches

Quoin Key

£25.00 plus VAT
Our Quoin Keys will fit standard ‘Cornerstone’ full-width quoins or other makes of quoin that follow the standard square socket pattern screw. They do not fit the narrow-margin or slim quoins.

Bearer Strips

£15.00 plus VAT
15mm x 752mmx1.95mm roller bearer strips for treadle presses

Pica Rule

£16.75 plus VAT
Lyme Bay Press Pica Rule - Pice rule for laying out pages and measuring letterpress type.

Long Letterpress Quoins – 3.5″

£8.06 plus VAT
A Quoin is a device used to hold cutting dies, printing blocks, embossing dies or letterpress type into printing presses. It originates from the early days of letterpress printing and is still in use today. Price is for 1 quoin.

Letterpress Type Height Gauge

£40.00 plus VAT
A type height gauge is a device used to check metal type is of the correct standard height for letterpress printing. It originates from the early days of letterpress and is still in use today.

4″ Palette Knife

£19.68 plus VAT
Printer’s Palette Knife – 4 Inch length blade A flexible strong blade for efficient ink mixing with a smooth hardwood